Fascinating Global Moon Phase Superstitions

November 14, 2024

Fascinating Global Moon Phase Superstitions

2 minute read

Who would have known that the moon holds a place of mystery and power in several different cultures around the world? The phases of the moon can be associated with farmers through planting season or even influencing human behaviour. New Moon, Full Moon and even the Waning Moon all have a certain belief and superstition behind it. Take a look at some intriguing moon phase superstitions from across the globe.

 New Moon: The New Moon is seen as a time of beginnings, and many cultures believe that wishes and intentions set during this phase have a better chance of coming true. For example, in some parts of Africa, they believe that if money is placed under a New Moon, it will grow alongside the moon, resulting in prosperity and continued money growth. In China, the new moon is considered a good time to start a business, sign important contracts, or make big life choices, indicating a fresh start and success as the moon goes along.

 Waxing Moon: This phase is all about growth. Across Europe, especially in Germany, a popular superstition claims that if you cut your hair during a waxing moon, it will grow back thicker and faster. Farmers in various parts of the world, particularly in rural India, plant certain crops during the waxing moon resulting in faster growth and more abundant crops.

 Full Moon: The Full Moon is the most famous phase of the moon. The Latin word “Luna” from which the words lunacy and lunatic come from, reflects the belief that the moon could cause erratic behaviour. On the contrary, the Full Moon is known to bring luck. Did you know that having a Full Moon on a "Moon day" (Monday) is considered lucky?

 Waning Moon: The Waning Moon phase, which occurs when the moon decreases from Full to New is associated with letting go, and cleansing. In Japan, the waning phase is a great time to break bad habits or to focus on self-improvements. It is seen as a symbol of shedding negativity and old habits. In Italy, people believe that the waning is an unlucky time to make financial investments. Their reasoning behind this is that, as the moon fades, anything associated with growth or income (i.e. money) will start to fade as well. 

The moon's phases have intertwined themselves into the culture and superstitions around the world. While these beliefs may vary, they all share an admiration for the moon’s power. Each phase, from the beginning light of the New Moon to the deep cleansing of the Waning Moon, holds its own energy and meaning offering a deeper connection to both the natural world and centuries of human tradition.

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