How To Mount Your Rain Gauge

April 22, 2016

How To Mount Your Rain Gauge

Rain Gauges are used by gardeners, farmers, weather enthusiasts, schools and many more. The Metcheck range of rain gauges come in a number of shapes and sizes from manual reading collectors to electronic self-empting rain monitors.

As with all weather instruments it's important to take time and familiarise yourself with the instrument before mounting it in its final measuring position. Follow the step by step guide below to get the most out of your rain gauge.

How to Mount your Rain Gauge

Rainfall is normally measured at no more than 30cm above ground level. At elevated heights high wind speeds will have an effect on the catchment of rainfall so readings may be reduced. Your rain gauge could well need to be checked and cleared if any leaves or debris collect to create a blockage, consider the accessibility of your instrument before deciding on a final installation position.

1. Choose a position in an open area such as a lawn or flower bed, keeping well away from fences, buildings and trees which can prevent rain from reaching the catchment funnel of your rain gauge.

2. As a guide the gauge should be no closer to tall objects than twice the height of that object. i.e. if the tree height is 10ft, the closest your rain gauge should be placed is 20ft.

3. Make sure you use a suitable post or flat surface for mounting any of the ClimeMET rain gauges. Some ClimeMET rain gauges come with their own mounting spikes and you will need nothing further.

4. If your rain gauge has a mounting bracket make sure this is fixed vertically to a post using the screws provided.

5. The ClimeMET CM1016 Manual Rain Gauge has a green mounting bracket encompassing the base that can be difficult to remove. Do not worry, this is due to the change in temperature when the product leaves our warehouse. If you find it difficult to remove the green bracket simply soak the rain gauge in warm soapy water for 10mins and the two parts should easily separate.

To get the most out of our Metcheck 'How To' guides why not download these handy installation steps as an easy to print pdf by clicking here.

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